
Fintech is a hot topic— see why MineralTree is part of the conversation.

8 Steps to Improving Cash Flow Forecasting

Article by MineralTree’s Director of Product Management, Jose Garcia. This byline explains the steps to accurately project future cash inflows and outflows and how it can help businesses anticipate short- and long-term financial circumstances, identify trends and make more informed strategic decisions.

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Global Payments execs hint at B2B acquisition

Although outgoing Global Payments CEO Jeff Sloan doesn’t envision the company doing more large M&A deals any time soon, a purchase in the B2B payments space may be the exception, he said this week. “We’re in a bit of a land grab in the B2B environment,” Sloan said during a Tuesday appearance at a conference sponsored by SVB MoffettNathanson, a research arm for the SVB Financial Group.

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